
Finalists: Your Best Recipe with Brown Butter

December 18, 2015

We've partnered with Organic Valley to bring you our latest contest—Your Best Recipe with Brown Butter—and a really wonderful, buttery prize for the winner.

We've tested and tasted our way through the recipes for Your Best Recipe with Brown Butter and have emerged with two promising finalists: Brown Butter Butternut Rolls from inpatskitchen and Brown Butter Granola with Honey and Sumac from EmilyC. Here's where you come in: We want to know which finalist will win your vote.

Head over to the contest page, and cast your vote!

We've partnered with Organic Valley to bring you our latest contest—Your Best Recipe with Brown Butter—and a really wonderful, buttery prize for the winner: You could win a whole year's worth of their organic butter.

See what other Food52 readers are saying.

Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.