
This Week's Contest Theme

May 20, 2011

Mortar and Pestle

Between now and next Thursday at midnight, we want to see Your Best Use of Aioli! For more details and to enter the contest, go here.


See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • ChefJune
  • AntoniaJames
  • boulangere
  • Sagegreen
  • Kristen Miglore
    Kristen Miglore
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


ChefJune May 21, 2011
Interesting. Traditional Aïoli is NOT just any mayo with garlic included. It's specifically made with olive oil, and has a "heavier" taste than if it included a flavorless, lighter oil. And there's no mustard in it, as we usually put in regular mayonnaise. Nothing, really, to detract from the garlic, which is the STAR!
Sagegreen May 22, 2011
Personally, I love the olive oil heaviness! But I have experimented and adapted my recipes this week to incorporate the lighter oils of grapeseed and canola, using a 2/3 to 1/3 ratio vs a 3/4 to 1/4. The taste is really lovely.
boulangere May 22, 2011
Mmm. Me too. Reducing the olive oil (especially if it is a very fruity one) lets other flavors shine without having to use so much that it's all a muddle in the end.
ChefJune May 23, 2011
SageGreen, I'm intrigued by some of your very creative combinations. You really hit the ground running on this topic!
AntoniaJames May 21, 2011
Are there any "must-have" ingredients for the aioli, the absence of which would disqualify a recipe? Thank you. ;o)
Kristen M. May 23, 2011
Unless you have a strong argument otherwise, we'd expect to see egg yolk, olive oil and garlic.
boulangere May 20, 2011
What a stunning photo.
Panfusine May 20, 2011
second that... too bad this color isn't what has been announced for the prize!
boulangere May 20, 2011
Oh my gosh, LOL! Basil (son of Parsley), sound asleep in the sun in my kitchen.