The Shop

Today in the Shop

August 31, 2011

Every weekday, we add something new -- and great -- to the Shop.

Today: Orchard Walk and Mill Tour from McEvoy Ranch

Orchard Walk and Mill Tour McEvoy Ranch

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  • ChefJune
  • pierino
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


ChefJune September 1, 2011
McEvoy makes arguably the best (and certainly the most expensive) olive oil in the US. It is hearty and fruity.
pierino September 1, 2011
ChefJune, California olive oils are now approximately where California wines were in the 70's. That is they stand up well against European oils. McEvoy is one of the larger producers and tends to be consistant in flavor year to year. With some smaller producers it can vary wildly. And unlike wine it doesn't age in the bottle. I like "fruity" but I also like that back of your palate kick of peppery oliveness even more.