
Crain's | Food Industry Develops Taste For Tech

July 31, 2013

Amanda and Merrill featured in Crain's

Crain's New York Business recently ran a story (that also appeared in print on July 29) about the merging of food and tech in New York City. The article highlights the way that Food52 has brought home cooks together through the internet, and why Amanda and Merrill chose New York:

"When the founders [of Food52] thought about where to launch their business, which now has 15 employees, New York City seemed like an obvious home base. 'New York attracts a greater pool of talent in tech, media and food all in one place,' said Ms. Hesser. 

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...As a media capital and the home of world-famous restaurants and a thriving locavore movement, New York has become food-tech central, with entrepreneurs offering everything from sites that emphasize recipes to e-commerce enterprises selling easy-to-make "food kits" that save customers the work of buying ingredients."

Read the full story on Crain's.


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Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.