Substitute for water when cooking rice?

I have a rice cooker and I've only ever used water to cook the rice. I was wondering if I could substitute coconut milk for water? I'm making curried beef tonight ( in about 3 hours) and I thought that might go nicely to offset the heat. I know that you can you chicken stock with arborrio rice to make Risotto, can you do this with coconut milk and jasmine rice?



Esther P. December 9, 2011
I also use half water, half coconut milk, and then add a squeeze of lime at the end, it just gives it a little lift.
lorigoldsby December 8, 2011
That's my girl! :)
Kittythecollegecook December 8, 2011
@sam1148 - I used the Kroger brand, it was really thick so I had to add a significant amount of water but the coconut flavor was pretty potent.

I also added carrots, peas, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts and raisins to add more sweet to offset the heat of the curry.
Sam1148 December 8, 2011
I can never seem to get the really rich coconut taste when making coconut rice with coconut milk I get at my local resturant. There's a back note of coconut but not really flavor that pops. I have found using the cheaper coconut milk from the Asian store has more flavor than some supermarket brands.
Kittythecollegecook December 8, 2011
@Ophelia, @green stuff, @lorigoldsby- thanks for the quick response! I will make sure to dilute it a little, hopefully the curry is tempered by the rice. I'll let you know how it turns out :-)
Also, @lorigoldsby, I texted you but I didn't know what you were doing today so i posted here so I would get an answer in time.
lorigoldsby December 8, 2011
Kitty...i agree with will need a little more liquid than the normal amount. Use the normal amount with the coconut milk (make sure you shake the can well) and then add half as much water. Love, mama :)
Greenstuff December 8, 2011
I've used coconut milk in my rice cooker, and it's turned out fine. More than fine. I dilute it with some water, I'd say about half and half, but I don't really measure.
Ophelia December 8, 2011
Should be fine. Might want to add some water to thin the coconut milk if it's especially thick though.
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