Using 3 chickens to make stock. Can I repurpose the boiled birds (save/freeze shredded meat for chicken salad or croquetas or... ) ?

thanks for any advice! am about to pull the boids out in next hour or so after it all cools a bit...



pamelalee February 12, 2012
I love the method in the Zuni Cafe cookbook, which I just made this weekend: cut the breast meat off the whole chicken (and use for another purpose) BEFORE simmering the stock for 4 hours.
allans January 23, 2012
I agree with sam.
i put a pot to boil, add the chickens and when the water boils again. turn off the heat, cover and let sit for one hour. remove the chicken and strip the meat (saving for another purpose) add the bones back to the water with a mixture of vegetables, salt, pepper, etc and cook for 2 to 3 hours on low for a delicious stock. removing all the solids, of course, before canning or freezing. been doing this for years and its my 'first step' recipe for all others sauces and soups. the chicken meat can be used for any salad, cooked recipe, soup or what have you.
Bevi January 23, 2012
I genrally roast a chicken and make stock from the carcass. I like a good reduction that intensifies the chicken flavor. I would rather get 3 cups of really rich stock, than 7 cups of watery tasteless stock. Sam's method sounds great, too.
tinarina January 23, 2012
I agree with Sam; if you want to make use of some the meat, poach the chicken for a bit, take off the meat, and put the bones back in the pot. If you want a really rich stock, leave all the meat on--but it will be totally tasteless and not of use at the end of 4 or more hours.

I also don't like the taste of stock made from rotisserie chicken; there's flavorings in the skin, etc.,that I don't think lend themselves to stock.
SeaJambon January 23, 2012
FWIW: whenever I roast a chicken, I save and freeze the carcass. After I have about five carcasses in the freezer, I make stock (I also save the giblets and neck for stock, as well as skin and bones that I may have removed if I decided to cut up the chicken myself and use the skinless breasts for a separate meal). After I've simmered all the flavor out of the bones, skin and meat (takes hours on very low heat), I strain and have stock. The flavor depth entirely depends on the reduction level. Believe me, these previously roasted chicken bones still have lots of flavor to impart. I'm always surprised at the end at how much meat is still on the carcasses, and how totally flavorless it is. I wouldn't use it for anything (well, the dog likes it but that's another story...and, of course, if giving to pets, be very careful to make sure all the bones -- even some of those very tiny ones -- are removed first).
Sam1148 January 23, 2012
When I make poached chicken, I use the Chinese method. Use a large stock pot, season the water with celery, onions, carrot, salt. Bay leaf. Enough water to cover the bird about 1-2 inches. Remove the bird bring to a boil.
Put the bird back in wait until it boils again. Shut off the heat, cover the pot...and Walk Away! 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
The results is perfectly cooked poached very moist chicken; not dry at all.

Then go at the bird to remove the meat to store with a bit of the broth. Reduce the poaching liquid while you're doing this. Add back in the bones and some of the skin, and some more aromatics to finish up a stock. It's going to be very light unless you roast the bones and veggie and discard some of the liquid. Then I cool it and chill it and lift off the fat disk and store.
nutcakes January 23, 2012
That's my preferred method for when I want to use the chicken. When I want a concentrated stock like Ina's I'll discard the spent chicken, or give it to the dogs. Chicken that has all the flavor and juice cooked out of it isn't good for much. And I'm not one of those who care too much for stock made with roast chickens. Don't know why.
Sam1148 January 23, 2012
It's so economical and simple too. You'll have lots of chicken meat to use in salads, tacos, stir fries..etc..etc.
I too hate a poached chicken that's been cooked to death to dry tasteless bits. This is also why the Crock Pot was first rarely used under counter dwellers to go to the thrift store.
helicopterina January 23, 2012
thanks for this -- will try this, too, down the line.
MarcusV January 23, 2012
Exactly, exactly what this dude said. It would be a sin to waste all of that chicken, and this method makes perfect chicken meat for use in other dishes.
MarcusV January 23, 2012
Btw if you want a "concentrated" stock, put the bones back in after you take the meat off. Reduce it just below simmer for a couple of hours.
angiegeyser January 22, 2012
I make my stock exactly like lorigoldsby and always have excellent results. After a roast chicken dinner I always have enough meat left on the carcass to use in a soup. Zero waste this way!
helicopterina January 23, 2012
great, thanks.
helicopterina January 22, 2012
mmm...good points. i had always thought you get the best flavor from the meat but your approach makes great sense. i was following a recipe i saw on the 'barefoot contessa' show and this was how ina garten made the stock as her precursor to chicken noodle soup. and then she roasts a couple of chicken breasts afterward to add to that rich stock, in addition to more herbs, diced carrots and egg noodles...

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lorigoldsby January 22, 2012
When making stock, I use a roasted chicken and remove the meat, saving the skin into the stockpot with the carcass. (Add pan drippings-that with the bones and the skin are really what flavor your broth). Add your veggies and aromatics, i use fresh bay leaf, thyme and 5 or 6 peppercorns....simmer slowly for hours. House smells great and the chicken isn't waterlogged for your other uses.
KimW January 22, 2012
Shred the chicken for many things, soup, chicken n dumplings, quesadilla, tacos, buffalo chicken dip, chicken salad, pizza...
helicopterina January 22, 2012
bless you, kimw! the barefoot contessa recipe i am following suggests that all the solids should be tossed...but that seems so wasteful, at least where the chicken's concerned. thanks!
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