Which brand is the best for canned sardines?

I love Ortiz anchovies and am willing to pay a small fortune for them. What is the best canned sardine brand?

Third Floor Kitchen


Rocky August 9, 2018
I have made some sardine review videos on youtube:


If I can find this brand somewhere I will ad this one to the list.

Thank you
Wally F. June 27, 2018
DaMorgada Portuguese sardines are my favorite
Prathima June 26, 2018
Matiz are also very good.
ChefJune June 25, 2018
I have always relied on King Oscar, and they are still excellent quality.

Voted the Best Reply!

Ife March 10, 2012
Crown Prince. I love their wild caught skinless boneless sardines in olive oil. So delicious, meaty and healthful!
pierino March 10, 2012
For domestic West Coast sardines I'd recommend Cannery Row Sardine Co. in Monterey, CA. A bright young entrepreneur started a business there by bringing sardines back to Cannery Row. www.canneryrowsardineco.com
Seafood Watch rates sardines as a "super green" seafood.
You mentioned Ortiz with good reason. Most of the best tinned Atlantic fishes come from Spain or Portugal. A good Portuguese label is Da Morgada.
Third F. March 10, 2012
Thanks for the recommendations!
John S. June 24, 2018
Surprised you didn't mention Angelo Parodi Portugal Been around since 1888
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