I boiled octopus a couple of weeks ago and my apartment STILL smells.

What can I do? Is there anything that will prevent this in the future? Or does this just come with octopus-boiling territory?



SeafoodBatlle March 22, 2012
I usually simmer mulling spice in water from Trader Joes and that always does the trick, it even helped sell my last house it smells so good....
boulangere March 21, 2012
Wow. My hat is off to you. I think I would have moved by now.
Amypineapple March 21, 2012
Thanks everyone!
clrhawaii March 20, 2012
Soak the octo in lemon water before cooking fore 8 min
HalfPint March 20, 2012
Wipe down counters, walls, the stove (especially the stove), the hood etc. Try a little vinegar (white) in water solution. Vacuum fabric-covered furniture & curtains, spray with Febreze. If you have blankets or towels that have this smell, wash them with a cup of distilled vinegar, along with detergent. Open a window, if you can. Air circulation is probably the best way to get rid of most odors and it's the only way I can think of to deal with this problem in the future.
Ophelia March 20, 2012
If you aren't worried about it immediately bursting into flame use vodka instead of Febreze. The smell of alcohol will go away as soon as it dries and take unpleasant smells with it, instead of leaving that weird floral scent everywhere. Otherwise I would absolutely follow all that advice.
bigpan March 20, 2012
A friend of mine likes kippers for Christmas breakfast ... I make him cook them outdoors on the BBQ ! (hint)

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Cristina S. March 20, 2012
I don't know how to stop future octopus smells, but to get rid of your current olfactory woes, trying boiling some water with lemon slices, all-spice, cloves, a cinnamon stick.. whatever you have. It should do the trick.
softpunk March 20, 2012
I do this and it works like a charm.
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