Silver Palate's Chicken Marbella - just realized the wine and brown sugar don't go in the marinade, but rather sprinkle chicken w sugar.

Since I botched that part, do I need to go out to the store for more sugar in order to get some color on the skin? Run it under the broiler instead?



creamtea March 25, 2012
like sLx, I've also made this recipe many times. I don't think it matters a bit. You can serve hot, cold or room temp. Great summer dish too for that reason.
sexyLAMBCHOPx March 25, 2012
I've made this numerous times. In a pinch brush with honey or maple syrup under the broiler - great company dish!
Greenstuff March 25, 2012
I'd just carry on. Run it under the broiler if you think it needs it at the end, but you'll probably be okay without it.
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