A question about a recipe: the most delicious chinese chicken salad

I followed the dressing recipe to a "T". What a mess! Way too much oil, I knew it but I wanted to check it out. I had to add lime zest, 2 limes (juice) 1/4 cup wine sherry - I think I saved it. What on earth made you put 1 1/2 cups of oil??

  • Posted by: Yaya
  • March 29, 2012
  • 1 Comment

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Miranda R. March 30, 2012
Sorry the recipe didn't work out - but this doesn't quite seem like a real question. I know it can be super frustrating when recipes don't turn out, but this is a place for friendly conversation and for learning together, so please try to keep it friendly.

Looks like the recipe it was adapted from has less oil, maybe give that a go?
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