I want to add the depth and nuttiness of browned butter into this yellow cake recipe. I am worried that swapping out the oil for butter will chan...

...ge the texture/fluffiness of the recipe. Any recommendations? Should I stick with oil

Moist and Light Yellow Cake
Recipe question for: Moist and Light Yellow Cake


hardlikearmour April 2, 2012
If you brown then clarify the butter it will be more like oil (butter has some water in it.) I think it will be lovely if you replace the oil with melted browned butter. Just make certain not to overcook it so it remains as moist as possible.
sdebrango April 2, 2012
I think the flavor would be delicious with the browned butter, the texture may change a bit, oil tends to make for a very moist cake and butter would change. I am wondering (thinking outside the box here) if you added the 1/3 cup oil as directed and add a tablespoon or two of the browned butter just for the flavor. My recipe calls for 1/3 + 1 tbs and honestly don't think it would would make a difference in the texture instead of the +tbs of oil add browned butter, even 2 tbs would be ok I think. This may not be helping you, sorry. I have never made this cake with butter, if you do make with either all butter or a tbs or two please let me know how it turns out.
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