Gardening cookbook suggestions?

This is my second year to have a garden and I am looking for some great fresh from the garden cookbooks. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you!



softpunk April 29, 2012
Petitbleu, Slater's books speak to Pacific Northwest/west of the Cascades gardeners like myself. Gardening books from the East are largely unhelpful to us out here.
petitbleu April 27, 2012
Tender and Ripe by Nigel Slater are both excellent. As a gardener, I reference these books all the time. Of course, because they focus on gardening in England, they don't speak to all the gardening issues we have in the States, but for inspiration and ideas, they're awesome.
The New Southern Garden Cookbook is a good, current inspirational tome, as is Plenty, Cooking In the Moment, and Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book (anything by Jane Grigson is wonderful).
calendargirl April 26, 2012
Here's another vote for Marion Morash's Victory Garden Cookbook. You can probably find a used copy online. I also like Rosalind Creasy's books:
healthierkitchen April 26, 2012
Jerry Traunfeld's books are terrific too
mainecook61 April 26, 2012
I second The Victory Garden Cookbook. My copy is dog-eared. I have not been impressed by Nigel Slater's Tender, despite all of the press it got. When the garden is overflowing, I also like Alice Water's The Art of Simple Food. And Plenty, by Yotam Ottolenghi, has some very interesting ideas. I wouldn't be without Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison. Last, but not least, The Gift of Southern Cooking by Edna Lewis and Scott Peacock. With these, you will never lack inspiration when contemplating a surfeit of green beans.
HalfPint April 26, 2012
I like Jamie Oliver's "Jamie at Home". It's focused on food from the home garden.
susan G. April 26, 2012
The Victory Garden Cookbook, Marian Morash, based on her PBS TV series (1982)

Voted the Best Reply!

softpunk April 26, 2012
Tender Volume 1 by Nigel Slater
Sarah Raven's Garden Cookbook
River Cottage Everyday Veg by Hugh Fearnly Whittingstall
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