I'm looking for a tried and true recipe for blueberry preserves. Any ideas?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


Diana B. June 30, 2012
Oh, and here's another:

Blueberry Lime Jam

2 cups of blueberries
1 T. bottled lime juice
1 cups of sugar
2 t. grated lime rind
1 package small batch pectin or 1½ T. Ball Flex batch pectin

Combine fruit, lime and sugar, cook till boiling. Add pectin and cook till boiling again and time for one minute. Turn off heat and ladle into 2 half-pint jars. Process for 10 minutes in waterbath once the water is at a full boil. Makes 2 half-pint jars
Diana B. June 30, 2012
I wish I'd written down where I got this recipe from, but sadly, I did not. However, it is ambrosial and you will love it!

Blueberry Jam with Balsamic Vinegar

2½ lbs small blueberries
1 pound, 14 oz white cane sugar
5 oz strained lemon juice
1 oz balsamic vinegar
1 (1 inch) piece cinnamon stick
several drops pure vanilla extract

Put several spoons in freezer.

Combine all ingredients in non-reactive kettle. Place pan over medium-high heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the juice begins to run from the berries. When it starts flowing freely, stop stirring and let the mixture cook for 1 - 2 minutes. Then, stir well and increase the heat to high. Continue to cook, stirring very frequently, until the mixture boils. Once it reaches a boil, cook for 10 to 15 minutes more, stirring frequently, and decreasing the heat slightly if the jam starts to stick. Begin testing for doneness after 10 minutes.

To test, place a half-spoonful on a frozen spoon and return to freezer for 3 - 4 minutes. Remove and feel the underside of the spoon - it should be neither warm nor cold. If still warm, return it to the freezer for a moment. Tilt the spoon vertically to see whether the jam runs; if it does not, it is ready. If it does, cook the jam for another few minutes, stirring, and test again as needed.

Turn off the heat, but do not stir. Skim any foam from the surface and discard. Pour into sterilized jars and process.
MrsMehitabel August 16, 2012
Thanks so much, Diana- I just finished making a batch of this and it is delicious. I am thrilled to include this in my favorite recipes.
AntoniaJames August 16, 2012
This looks a lot like Rachel Saunders' recipe. I'm not 100% sure and I don't have the book handy. The method is entirely hers, and seems very familiar as drafted. In her book, she describes the variation without including a separate ingredient list for making the balsamic jam (The basic recipe, which I've used, calls for 6 ounces of lemon juice; the variation calls for substituting one ounce of balsamic vinegar.) The basic recipe produces an excellent jam -- and I've made hundreds of jars of blueberry jam over the years. I'm planning to use this variation, in fact, this weekend. ;o)
Author Comment
I haven't tried this recipe, but it looks simple and good (you can leave out the herbs if you like): Blueberry-Lemon Verbena Preserves http://grist.org/article/2009-06-19-blueberry-preserves/
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