If you could ask Michael Pollan one question, what would it be?

Michael Pollan, author of Omnivore's Dilemma, Food Rules, etc, is coming to speak in my town. I've been asked to do a Q & A as part of his presentation. What would you want to ask MP?

Brain Health Kitchen


Pegeen September 25, 2012
Great question, meganvt01
meganvt01 September 25, 2012
I'd like to know how he would suggest getting his important message out to lower socio-economic groups of people, who perhaps haven't been exposed to his writing and perspective, or anyone who isn't a foodie and thinks it is relatively unimportant? I think about this quandry a bit - how to get a message of healthy eating to those that need it most and have the least means of achieving it?
SKK September 25, 2012
As a note, the organization making the biggest difference in having people in food deserts being able to not only eat but grow and sell great food is Will Allen http://www.growingpower.org/

He is former recipient of the MacArthur Genius Grant. Worth checking up on what he is doing.
Brain H. September 25, 2012
Yes, Meganvt01, I think this is THE QUESTION. Getting the message out to those who need it most...well said.
boulangere September 25, 2012
P.S. Lucky you! Inquiring minds would love to hear all about it.
Brain H. September 25, 2012
Maybe I'll blog about it. By the way, Boulangere, I was so happy to see that your blog is back. I've really missed the recipes and wit from my neighbor to the north!
boulangere September 26, 2012
Thank you, and I look forward to getting together with you at some point soon. ;0)
Brain H. September 25, 2012
These are great questions, thank you! Boulangere, I must say I am relieved that I am not the one making him dinner!! Anyone else have a good question for Michael Pollan? I'll let you know how it goes Pierino, but I am playing only a small supporting role, so I'm fine with MP taking over the stage.
pierino September 24, 2012
Good luck on this one. I've seen MIchael Pollan on a panel with three other guests, all of whom he was talking over.
boulangere September 24, 2012
Are people too intimidated by you to cook for you?
sstiavetti September 23, 2012
What do you eat when you're in the middle of nowhere and the only thing to eat is sub-par chain restaurant food?
susan G. September 23, 2012
Have you encountered difficulties in following your principles when traveling or as a guest?
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