Confession: I've always used Stovetop brand stuffing and have never made truly homemade stuffing. Any recipe suggestions, sans seafood?



Diana B. November 17, 2012
Really, Bill, not helpful at all; the poster is looking for recipes, so if you've got one, please share it instead of being censorious about people's food habits.
SandyLaFleur November 17, 2012
Hobby Baker, the only reason to use those "processed foods" stuffing mixes is because you are in a hurry. People here have suggested a number of recipes, and you will soon find that you like the taste of homemade stuffing. You will notice that the mixes taste primarily of salt after you try your own. Another posting here asks if you can freeze it ahead of time. That would sure take care of needing stuffing at the last minute. And if you didn't need it, you could eat the frozen with leftovers. One of the reasons for stuffing mix having so much salt is that many people like it spooned inside the cavity of the bird. You can salt the inside of your bird directly which helps with bacterial problems from undercooked food. Other people don't put it in at all. I convection roast my turkey and do salt the turkey. The timing is right and the done ness is right.
I usually remove the fat from the roasting pan and deglaze the juices, for gravy, but on thanksgiving, I like to have the gravy made ahead of time from stock and just flavor it with the pan juices, you can put your stuffing into the roasting pan and stir it around and roast it there if you like it crisped up. It will taste similar to the one inside the turkey, but of course not be as soggy.
Unless you are only responsible for one dish at your Thanksgiving, you really do need to plan something like stuffing ahead.
At my house I saute all the celeries, onions, leeks whatever and add butter and hot chicken stock/turkey if I have it (You can make it ahead and freeze it for Thanksgiving) the night before. I like a bakery bread, even italian, but you can put in leftover french from the week, and some people like the more exotic breads sprinkled in like pumpernickle and rye.
You just make it the night before, and flop it into that roasting pan when the turkey comes out, or, use the serving dish you chilled it in, and put the turkey dripping over the serving bowl before baking. Just wet them. Old fashioned cooking likes some of the fat on there too.
BUT, on thanksgiving, look out for salt appearing. If a recipe calls for canned soup, Caution. Salt alert. Pre-made gravy or gravy 'mixes" Salt Alert. If you put one of these salty things, especially over Stovetop Stuffing mix, you are going to be surprised at how salty it is. Substitute fresh cream or half and half for canned soups. I am not a food lunatic, I just don't want you to ruin your dinner. (Put the salt on the Turkey, not on the stuffing.) Taste your food as you go along (not raw food, please) to see if it has salt. A pick me up for bland gravy is soy sauce, which has salt in it. I would rather do that at the end. Make sure you do not overshake more salt or pepper into your roasting pan than you want on your pan vegetables.
Hobby Baker, it is funny to me, and has happened numerous times, that cooks I know will expound on how virtuous they are not to use salt in their cooking, and you open their pantry, and there are all these salted canned/boxed foods and mixes in there. We never put a salt shaker on the table, to set an example for our children, said one virtuous woman to me, when she saw me using sea salt and kosher salt in my kitchen. I guess that is what you have to do when you depend mixes, therefore my warning. But in general, do salt your turkey, people like it, a sprinkle on the surfaces with your dry herbs, and forget the salty mixes.
brandon November 16, 2012
if you're adventurous you could try adding chicken testicles to your stuffing. they are good
candacemay November 16, 2012
Buy the stuffing in the bag follow the directions on the back and add cooked sausage and apples yummy
bigpan November 16, 2012
I take whatever I have in the fridge plus favorite flavors and sauté, then add to the S/Top mix...
Mushroom, celery, onion, apple, raisin, cranberry, cooked sausage crumble, etc etc, more poultry seasoning, stock from bird - whatever you like.
Make it yours!
Diana B. November 16, 2012
Some lovely possibilities here:
Monita November 16, 2012
Another good one is
figgypudding November 16, 2012
Here's a winning recipe to get you started:
Stuffing is pretty forgivable and lends itself well to a variety of different flavors and spices, so have fun with it. Happy cooking!

Voted the Best Reply!

hardlikearmour November 16, 2012
I've made each of the finalist stuffings from the best stuffing contest, and they are both excellent.
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