Thank you, FOOD 52, for your hard work and generosity. We are so fortunate to have this terrific community and endlessly helpful resource.

This is my fourth Thanksgiving since joining FOOD52, with each one better than the last. Thank you so much, for everything!! ;o)



Merrill S. November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone -- our lives are so much richer for being part of this amazing, generous community of cooks.
BoulderGalinTokyo November 22, 2012
Just finishing up Thanksgiving over here, and then birthday tomorrow. Thankful that I have time to checkin and share things with such a wonderful and caring community of FRIENDS. Thank you.
SeaJambon November 21, 2012
And mine as well! I talk about Food52 all the time and my family doesn't worry about losing me to Facebook -- Food52 is another issue. :)
gingerroot November 21, 2012
Add my voice to the thankful choir! Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Amanda H. November 21, 2012
Thanks, all of you. We're so happy that you've stuck with us for so long, and so happy to welcome new faces into the community! We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! AJ -- you climbing Mount Tam again this year?
AntoniaJames November 22, 2012
Yep, just got back. Enjoyed fiveandspice's easy coffee cake and Giulia M's "the pumpkin bread I can't stop eating" at the top. Taking a short nap; dinner will be served at six. ;o)
drbabs November 21, 2012
Yes, thank you all!
mrslarkin November 21, 2012
Cheers, AJ! I share your sentiments. It's one great community we've got here. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Voted the Best Reply!

Diana B. November 21, 2012
Hear, hear! I particularly love the Hotline, which I read religiously, including posts about foods I don't like, foods I never heard of, and recipes I know I'll never make - it's just such a pleasure to read posts by people who know and care about food, and are so generous in their willingness to share that passion and knowledge with the rest of us. I consider myself a good cook, but I learn something every time I dip in here!
JanetFL November 21, 2012
Very nice thought, AntoniaJames, which I second!
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