I am looking to create something drinkable that will demonstrate the oil spill for a special ed class I am teaching. I know oil and water don't mix but it's not very drinkable. Any ideas? THanks!

  • Posted by: emoy
  • September 9, 2010


pierino September 10, 2010
Vinegarette? Let it sit in a glass jar for awhile and the components will separate. Those old packaged dressings used to instruct you to add water to the other elements and shake it up.
mrslarkin September 10, 2010
You can switch it up a bit and make salad dressing instead. Then the kids can dip veggies in it.
emoy September 9, 2010
true, hmm didn't think much about it, was trying to make it more "fun" for the special ed kids. I'll have to talk to my fellow teachers more tmr, thanks!
monkeymom September 9, 2010
If your lesson is about oil spills, why don't you just you oil and water and talk about how the oil isn't really drinkable? That would clearly illustrate the point that oil spills are bad. It floats to the top and makes your water undrinkable. Oil spills are thus bad.
emoy September 9, 2010
yea i need a fast separation that keeps to the surface so that it looks like "oil" :) Thanks :)
yumfood September 9, 2010
Milk and chocolate syrup separate after a little while, but the chocolate sinks to the bottom. I don't know if you were looking for a separation that occurred on the surface
emoy September 9, 2010
Ya I had thought about that, but I need to be able to mix it and have the things separate back out to show why the oil spill is such an issue. That's a good idea too though especially if I didn't have to mix it up lol.
drbabs September 9, 2010
How about slightly melting vanilla ice cream and then floating chocolate syrup on top?
emoy September 9, 2010
thank you much. Ya not quite drinkable sadly. Thank you for the attempt. I am thinking that there isn't any but if anyone else comes across anything that would be great!
drbabs September 9, 2010
This doesn't completely answer your question because I'm not sure this would be entirely drinkable, but I thought your question was really interesting so I did some research and came up with an instruction for demonstrating the different densities of liquids to children. Here's the link: http://www.deltasee.org/CTC/Activity%2016%20Density%20Layers.pdf
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