Can I use a regular cake pan for rum cake or does it have to be a bundt pan?

  • Posted by: zuesana
  • February 28, 2013


MaddyBelle March 2, 2013
I agree with Shuna, the cake could very well dry out. However, seeing as you are making rum cake, you might be able to save the cake from being too dry with the glaze.
Shuna L. March 1, 2013
I appreciate Monita's answer but I don't think it's specific enough. Every batter for every cake weighs a different amount & is composed of different ingredients. Generally speaking most Bundt cake batters specify Bundt cake pans because the batters arehigh in moisture and fat and bake better because the middle of the cake is dispersed by a heat conduit, helping the batter to rise and bake evenly.
If I'm changing baking vessels I tend to play it safe and put batter up to the 1/2 way mark of the vessel, not measure it by cups or ounces or grams necessarily. In the end you want a cake that does not burn on the sides before the middle is baked through.

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Monita February 28, 2013
It really depends on the recipe. A 9" bundt pan holds 9 cups of batter whereas an 8" round cake pan holds 6 cups of batter. You can make the substitution if the amt of cups will fit in the cake pan you want to use.
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