Tonight, I plan to raise a glass to @samsifton and the many foodpickle contribs for generously answering so many questions!



betteirene November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! My house smells so goooood right now! I'm taking a quick break while the turkey's in the oven and before the potatoes get mashed and everyone arrives.

The only "pickle" so far is that my peanut butter fudge is not creamy as it usually is, probably because I stepped away--I swear it was only 10 seconds--and the temp was up to 260 or so when it should've only been 240. But other than that, no burns, no cuts, no last-minute thawing. . .so far.

I hope you all are spending some time with people you love and like and that your home smells as good as mine (because, of course, you're using the tips and tricks and experience and know-how of everyone here @food52). Here's to Amanda and Merrill for introducing us to each other. . .Food Friends Forever!
TiggyBee November 25, 2010
I plan on raising one or two to food52, it's inhabitants and of course, the beloved foodpickle!
Martin69 November 25, 2010
Here - here!
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