Can I freeze leftover grilled chicken ?

Food odyssea


bigpan June 24, 2013
I take the meat off the bone but don't cut or shred to prevent freezer burn and crystaling. Also I vacuum pack, even if using in a week or two.
Then, as above, use in soups, stews, tortillas, sandwiches, or canapés.
Example: for a canapé I put a bit of left over chicken with some chutney, roughly purée in your mini blender and serve on a cracker with a vodka martini - lemon twist (no olive).
dymnyno June 24, 2013
Save for soup or stock...should be fine and wonderful to start a from scratch soup.
Hilarybee June 24, 2013
I'd cut them into strips for salads or quick meals, as JanetFl advised.
JanetFL June 24, 2013
I usually cut it up or shred it before freezing and then use it in soups, stews, pasta, etc., because the texture suffers.

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pierino June 24, 2013
If it's still on the bone strip it off and save the bones for stock (you can't have enough chicken bone). Seal the meat in freezer bags and label them with the date. Frozen meat, even cooked meat ought not to be held for more than 90 days for best flavor.
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