why does this banana bread cause for pepper

  • Posted by: jennie
  • July 9, 2013
BEST Banana Bread
Recipe question for: BEST Banana Bread


Maedl July 10, 2013
THere are some recipes for cookies that call for pepper--the best example is Pfeffernüsse, a German Christmas cookie. Recipes with deep roots, i.e. from the Medieval era, tended to call for heavier spicing than we might use ourselves. Exotic spices were very rare and expensive and became status symbols, intended to impress guests. So even though the pepper may be a mistake, I'd give it a try and see if it's good. You never know.
sdebrango July 10, 2013
I think that is a mistake, sometimes when I enter a recipe default words pop up that I have typed in before. It has happened on several of my recipes. I am sure it's just salt and not pepper for this recipe.
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