How can I adjust a recipe that calls for a frozen pie shell?

The recipe is a tomato and cheese pie, it calls fora frozen pie shell. I have a refrigerated pie shell.
The shell is not pre cooked before filling.

How can I adjust cooking time?



Michelle church


ChefJune July 30, 2013
My "yes clicker" is not working, so I'll chime in to say I would also blind bake the pie shell.
ATG117 July 29, 2013
I would first blind bake the pie shell, then add the filling, and finally bake until the filling and crust looked ready--for which, you can us the recipe suggested baking time as a loose guide.
Meaghan F. July 29, 2013
I don't think there would be too much of a difference, honestly, especially if all you're doing is melting together the tomato/cheese mixture during baking... Maybe use a glass dish, if you have one, so you can peek at the bottom as it browns?
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