So I am making dinner with these pretty picky American boys. Real meat and potatoe types. One of them is now vegetarian, the other three are omnivores. I have cooked for some of them before (grilled vegetable sandwiches w pesto and pasta) but this time around, I am hitting a brick wall when it comes to finding a side dish for my coconut mashed potatoes. Any ideas? I was thinking lemongrass tofu, but that might be a little "strange" for them. Chickpea cutlets? Any and all ideas welcome! I'm making a spinach and strawberry salad w walnuts and raspberry vinaigrette and ginger carrot soup as entrees, so maybe something that ties it all together?



thomas M. September 12, 2010
Thank you paul sending this link food52 great food blog
heroincookies September 11, 2010
Oh my my, that chickpea curry sounds delicious! Thank you!
pauljoseph September 11, 2010
Try this recipe( CHICKPEA CURRY ) side dish for coconut mashed potatoes
davidhurt September 11, 2010
What are you pairing with the coconut mashed potatoes? It sounds like you are going in an Asian direction. I would do some shiitake mushrooms sauteed with ginger and garlic and tofu (vegetarians should not think tofu is strange) marinated in mushroom soy and a little rice vinegar. But firm tofu and dice it into 1" dices before you marinate it. the smaller it is the better the marinade will flavor the tofu.
mrslarkin September 11, 2010
Maybe vegetarian chili or a veggie burger? Search "vegetarian" in the food52 search engine. Lots of ideas there.
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