Pancakes for a crowd?

Got 8 coming for brunch tomorrow and have ingredients and method all set - but what is your favorite way to keep them warm so that we can all sit down together? Or do you just keep shoveling them at the table as each batch cooks? Any tips welcome!



sexyLAMBCHOPx October 6, 2013
When you make the pancakes place on a cooling rack atop of the cookie sheet and don't stack them. If you do so, they will steam. Work as quickly as possible, place in an oven (250 degrees) and they should be delicious for 30 minutes. Have fun!
JadeTree October 6, 2013
Thanks - since I don't have a bun warmer, I'll use the cookie sheet method!
ZombieCupcake October 6, 2013
I have a bun warmer I use
maimai50 October 6, 2013
place on cookie sheet in the oven at 200 degrees as u make them
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