Sausage-making references?

Hi All! Any book and/or website reference recommendations for an experienced cook who wants to get into sausage-making?



savorthis June 11, 2014
Ditto Pat on Ruhlman. I have Charcuterie and haven't cooked from it yet but I used Ruhlman's sausage ratio in his Ratio book and the results were great. It allowed me to put whatever seasonings I wanted into the correct mix of meat/fat/salt.
OnionThief June 11, 2014

i use 5 or 6 of these regularly. The recipes are great, the site is a bit buggy.
IlovePhilly June 10, 2014
The blog Hunter Angler Gardener Cook has some good recipes, if I recall! If you're interested in the science and safety aspects, The Art of Fermentation has spectacular information!
inpatskitchen June 9, 2014
Michael Ruhlman and Brian Polcyn have 2 books out..."Charcuterie" and "Salumi" which might provide some insight.
cookbookchick June 10, 2014
Thanks Pat! I think I'll go to the bookstore and take a look at both of these.
jeinde June 8, 2014
The Art of Charcuterie by Jane Grigson. There are used copies on Amazon starting at $5. It's very comprehensive.
cookbookchick June 8, 2014
Thanks jeinde!
cookbookchick June 7, 2014
Unfortunately, the book you recommend, Titus, does not seem to be available in the U.S. But I will check out the website. Does anyone else have any thoughts? This is for a birthday gift for a friend along with the tools to get the job done.
Titus June 7, 2014
Take a look at a book Sausages Made Simple. I got a copy for my brother, he loves it. Step by step methods on how to prepare and do everything from start to finish. Some really tasty recipes too. Family BBQ never tasted so good. Highly recommend. Take a look a I got him a whole sausage making set up from there, not sure if you'd need all that.
cookbookchick June 7, 2014
Thanks Titus!
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