Why do many dark chocolates on the market contain butterfat?

In the past few years, many of the popular companies like Hershey's and Ghirardelli have added butterfat to their dark chocolate. As someone who is allergic to dairy, it's becoming harder and harder to find dairy-free chocolate. Why?!

  • Posted by: Eve
  • July 15, 2014


savorthis July 16, 2014
We have a wonderful chocolate in Denver called Ritual which uses nothing but cacao beans and sugar. The nuances in flavors between the various beans is truly amazing. Give them a try! http://www.ritualchocolate.com/
Nancy July 16, 2014
a possible solution - seek kosher dark chocolate brands, checking labels for P or Parve (neutral) and/or absence of D or Dairy. Parve = no dairy in ingredients nor manufacture.
realchef July 15, 2014
Straight forward as chocolate prices went up , they are looking to make more profit , I am still puzzled howv they have not manage to include plaster in it , give them the time and they will .
This is what you should see on the label cocoa , sugar , soy lecithin as emulsifier , any other chocolate are not chocolate .
Leave them on the shelves especially the one which contain corn sweetener and derivated garbage , in case you did not know corn sweetener do contain arsenic and countless of other dangerous chemical , they use it to fatten to cows , if you believe you are a cow then corn sweetener is for you .
strawberrygirl July 15, 2014
Butterfat extends the shelf life by preventing blooming.

Here are a couple of lists of chocolate brands that are supposedly dairy-free:
Eve July 15, 2014
Thanks, that was so helpful!
boulangere July 15, 2014
Can you tell us some specific brands where you're seeing butterfat as an ingredient?
Eve July 15, 2014
Hershey's, Ghirardelli, Nestlee... all the normal supermarket candy brands. But strawberrygirl seems to have answered my question!
creamtea July 15, 2014
Could it be cocoa butter, which is nondairy, that you're seeing in the ingredient list, rather than butterfat?
Eve July 15, 2014
No, it's definitely butterfat, but that would have been an easy fix!
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