OK to bring vanilla beans back from Madagascar?

I'm headed to Madagascar Tuesday and wondering if any of you know if there is likely to be a problem bringing back vanilla beans? I can't find anything on Agriculture's website and Googling hasn't turned up any advice, so I'm turning to you well-traveled foodies for help in case any of you have done this! Thanks.

Diana B
  • Posted by: Diana B
  • October 5, 2014


Panfusine October 6, 2014
I've brought in spices including Vanilla. As long as it isn't anything that will germinate, you should be OK.
Greenstuff October 6, 2014
I've brought vanilla back from Madagascar without problem. Hope it works for you.
SKK October 5, 2014
When I bring spices and beans back from all my travels, I declare them. Never had a problem, always allowed in so far. But do declare them just in case there is some law change somewhere.
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