We knew that! Merrill and Amanda are women to watch says Food and Wine in their January issue!

Congratulations! The issue just arrived! You are both beaming as usual.

  • Posted by: arcane54
  • December 26, 2014


cookinginvictoria December 31, 2014
Congrats Amanda & Merrill and the rest of the food52 team! What a wonderful article spotlighting all of you. And so great that Food & Wine featured some beloved community recipes from the site. Hardlikearmour has two recipes featured (Smoked Porter-Braised Beef Short Ribs and Promelder Prosecco Punch) and dymnyno's superb Lazy Mary's Lemon Tart. Happy New Year to all! :)
drbabs December 30, 2014
So well deserved-Congratulations and happy new year!
ChefJune December 30, 2014
This is just fabulous! Now I'll have to go out and get a copy of the January issue. But WE already knew how outstanding Amanda and Merrill are. :)
Carolina December 29, 2014
Congratulations to Merrill, Amanda and the Food52 Team. What a great article for an amazing group of women! I love Food52 and it is wonderful to see this community be recognized. Three cheers to Merrill and Amanda!
Amanda H. December 29, 2014
Thank you!
Pegeen December 28, 2014
Will be sure to get the issue. Congratulations to all at Food52!
Susan W. December 28, 2014
Very awesome! Walking next door to see if it's on the stands yet.
AntoniaJames December 30, 2014
It was in my mailbox today. There are quite a few other excellent pieces in this issue, too. ;o)
Susan W. December 30, 2014
Not on the stands yet (at least at my store), but I'm looking forward to pouncing on it.
Nancy H. December 28, 2014
And well deserved too!
Diana B. December 27, 2014
Yeah, we already knew that... Congrats to Merrill and Amanda for making Food and Wine notice, however!!
Amanda H. December 27, 2014
So glad you saw it! We didn't know it was going to be such a big spread -- we love that they captured a sense of this great community, and lots of fun photos of our team.
Merrill S. December 26, 2014
Thank you so much!
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