What to do with lots of eggs?

Long story, but I've found myself with nearly 2 dozen farm eggs right before I go out of town for a few weeks. The eggs are already a couple weeks old, so I'd like to use some of them in recipes I can freeze before I leave. My initial thought was a nice big frittata or Spanish tortilla...but I'd love to hear if you fine folks have any great ideas :) Thanks!



Annabelle May 8, 2015
Wow. Thank you all for these great and varied options. Now my challenge is figuring out which to choose ;)
Garlic F. May 8, 2015
Who said you can only choose one? :) Make some of everything! It's posts like these that make me realize I have an egg problem. I consume/use about a dozen eggs a week, so two dozen eggs are definitely not an issue. We have a brownie recipe that uses 4 eggs at a time. They freeze well. I also make an curry using hard boiled eggs and they seem to freeze pretty well
luvcookbooks May 8, 2015
If you have time, pickled eggs and beets. Hard boiled eggs stained a lovely red by beets and pickled in vinegar, salt and herbs or spices. Great bar snack.
PieceOfLayerCake May 7, 2015
Recipes in which I use a lot of eggs are:
- quiche: I make a deep dish quiche using a 9" springform, to die for
- curd: lemon, orange, raspberry, blueberry, etc.
- pavlova: gets rid of a ton of whites and can be frozen
- frozen custard
- sponge cake/genoise/chiffon cake/pound cake: all can be frozen and pulled when needed.
- brioche: so versatile, freezable as dough or baked. Use up some of that curd or make cinnamon rolls, sticky buns, babka, savory pockets, etc.
- choux paste: French doughnuts/cream puffs/eclairs/gougere/etc., all can be frozen after piping and baked/fried as needed.
- soufflé
- key lime pie: can be made traditionally or deep dish, as bars, as minis, and frozen.
- traditional/ricotta cheesecake
Nancy May 7, 2015
You can freeze them, as liquid whole or separated into whites and yolks, for future use. Some of us freeze them in ice cube trays or amounts we know we will need for a bread, cake or other dish.
Nancy May 7, 2015
forgot to say they last (whole or separated) one year in freezer.
Food O. May 7, 2015
Flourless chocolate cake uses 6 eggs and freezes well.
Yozhik0607 May 7, 2015
Farm eggs will last a pretty long time - I've used farm eggs that were over a month old and they were fine, if you don't manage to use up many before you go.
trampledbygeese May 7, 2015
Farm fresh eggs CAN easily last for months and still be just fine. It depends a lot on how the eggs were handled and what temperature they were kept; were they washed, and if so, in what; what temp were they kept before and after washing; humidity in storage; what were the hens fed... all sorts of things influence the shelf life of an egg.

Mother Earth News did a very interesting article on it: http://www.motherearthnews.com/real-food/how-to-store-fresh-eggs-zmaz77ndzgoe.aspx

Personally, if they were eggs from my chickens, I wouldn't worry about keeping them for a month or six. After six months, I break them in a bowl before using them as maybe one out of every four dozen isn't perfect. The eggs I sell are the freshest and follow local health requirement, I just keep the oldest for my own use. However, not every small farmer is aware of how cleaning and storing eggs affects their shelf life. You would have to make your own judgement on how comfortable you are with storing your eggs for more than a few weeks.

In other news, some of the commercial eggs can be a lot older than that before they reach the grocery store shelf. But the big producers have access to very specialized equipment and chemicals that can keep eggs edible for over a year.
trampledbygeese May 7, 2015
correction: about one out of every dozen isn't perfect after 6 months, not one out of every four dozen.
trampledbygeese May 7, 2015
Mmmm, pasta. Sounds like a great idea. Homemade pasta with carbonara sauce.

What comes to mind for me is easter. Lots of traditional recipes around easter time have excessive amounts of eggs in them. Other early spring festivals often include foods with lots of eggs.

How about custard and maranges? Make the custard with the yolks and eat them now to build up your strength for the trip, then take the meringues with you as a high energy snack.
Annabelle May 8, 2015
I love this: " Make the custard with the yolks and eat them now to build up your strength for the trip, then take the meringues with you as a high energy snack"
trampledbygeese May 8, 2015
That's my first choice too.
Mei C. May 7, 2015
What about ice cream, fresh pasta dough, or challah? A frittata or tortilla would be great, but I wouldn't freeze them. A quiche is another option in the event that you're planning to eat what you make now.
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