Subbing flour for cornstarch in cherry pie

I don't have any cornstarch but I'm making cherry pie—how do I sub in flour? Does anyone know a good ratio? Help?

Marian Bull


Naomi P. November 10, 2017
How much flour do I need to huckleberry pie fklling
aargersi July 4, 2015
Please report back Marian! I used up all of my tapioca and cornstarch in my peach pie so I nixed a cherry crisp (well and also there is a chocolate cake, brownies and cookies on their way here) but was considering flour ... I like the breadcrumb idea too
pjcamp July 4, 2015
I use tapioca for thickening pies and such. It keeps the filling clear rather than cloudy. It is basically 1 to 1 for cornstarch. Run it through a coffee grinder first. But if you don't have cornstarch, you probably don't have tapioca either.
ChefJune July 4, 2015
We've always used plain white breadcrumbs in the bottom of a fruit pie that's going to throw off a lot of juice. I like that idea better than raw flour.
Liz D. July 4, 2015
Per Joy of Cooking, 1T plus 1t cornstarch equals 2T flour, so you need 1.5 times more flour than cornstarch. Filling will also be opaque, rather than clear.
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