I have a "food" bucket list. Am I twisted or do others include food on the Bucket List?

Chef Lisa


Rachelwrites July 22, 2015
I just read that there is a book called 1000 foods to eat before you die. I think its just a compilation of the author's favorite foods from around the world. Might be worth checking out from the library for inspiration.
Windischgirl July 22, 2015
I borrowed the book before my recent Scandanavian vacation. It's an interesting read about the traditional foods in different regions of the world, usually just a page or two of info, and then links for how to obtain the item, whether mail order (from US shops), or restaurants, or festivals devoted to the food. I was too early for cloudberry season...so I guess I just have to revisit Sweden!
Exbruxelles July 22, 2015
Food per se isn't on my bucket list. But a restaurant is: Alinea.
amysarah July 21, 2015
I don't keep an official bucket list (just the ever evolving one in my daydreams) - but if I did, it would absolutely be heavy on eating, cooking and food-related experiences/travel. Actually, I think this would be a great idea for a column - editors/members sharing their personal lists in some fashion.
Rachelwrites July 21, 2015
I don't have a list of things I want to eat but I do have a list of things I want to learn to make.
TheFritschKitchen July 22, 2015
Same here!! A list of recipes and techniques I've always meant to get to: marshmallows, pavlova, lasagna completely from scratch (noodles, sauce and all). I've crossed a few of the list, but those 3 are still there!
Greenstuff July 20, 2015
The question isn't whether you're twisted. The question is what's on your list?

Chef L. July 21, 2015
Chris, the list is rather long! But, I will say that I have been completely obsessed with finding (and eating) the BEST hot fudge sundae, but I don't want to do a lot of sampling, though. I long to dine at the French Laundry, but have given up on ever getting a reservations. Like ChefJune the remainder invokes international travel.
AntoniaJames July 20, 2015
You're not twisted at all. It sounds like a great idea. I don't have such a list, but I could easily see starting one; it would most likely be a list of food to be savored in other places. I always have a queue of new, never-tried dishes that I plan to make. ;o)
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