Cherry tomato overload

I have never been a great tomato grower, but apparently something sparked this year and I found the secret. I have more than I can even imagine. Any ideas? Pickling? Canning? Freezing?

  • Posted by: kimhw
  • September 3, 2015


Amanda September 15, 2015
To eat in the next few days, chop a few cups worth and combine with olive oil, garlic and basil for a quick bruschetta. Add to a pasta salad, or use them to top a pizza or salads. To store for longer, roast them in the oven and blend (in a ninja, vitamix, food processor, etc) with olive oil, garlic and spices for homemade tomato sauce. Vary-it-up with sauteed onions, spinach, or peppers blended into the sauce as well. Jar and freeze the leftovers :)
Cinnamin September 11, 2015
Oh yeah and definitely this conservas recipe
Cinnamin September 11, 2015
This cobbler recipe looks really good.
aargersi September 4, 2015
I LOVE this roast cod:

I also make tomato pesto with roasted tomato overload - roasted with olive oil balsamic and salt, then blended with basil and parmesan, and I freeze small containers of it. Fabulous all winter.

Amanda September 4, 2015
Preserving: Slow roast them at a low temperature and place them in a sterilized jar. Top with oil and some fresh herbs or garlic cloves. Hello semi-dried cherry tomatoes! ;)
Instant meal: Cut them in half and roast them with a drizzle of balsamic and olive oil and salt. Then toss them through some pasta. Dinner's done! You can also shave your favorite cheese on top, sprinkle some red pepper flakes or tear up some basil over your bowl for an extra kick.
702551 September 3, 2015
Why not try a variety of preservation techniques and assess them yourself? After all, it's not like it will cost you any dollars out of your pocket.

Ultimately, you would be the judge of this anyhow. If someone says to can them and you don't like canned cherry tomatoes, that doesn't really help.

Cook some, freeze some, can some, pickle some. This is your opportunity to figure out what works for *YOU.* What anyone here suggests is largely irrelevant since none of us understand your personal preferences and taste.
Susan W. September 3, 2015
I'm a huge fan of freezing. I don't can, so I freeze everything. Tomatoes are awesome because you can freeze them on a sheet pan and toss them into a plastic bag. They are perfect for pastas, soups, stews. Another fun thing to do is roast and then freeze. Here's an article that includes the tomato method.
scruz September 3, 2015
i've been throwing them in a pan with minced garlic and olive oil and adding water, wine and what ever seasonings you like. i let it simmer for an hour or more and then push it through a strainer for a thin tomato sauce. then into ice cube tray and saved for portions of pasta. they are incredibly sweet at this time of the year. the strainer takes care of seeds and skin. i'll throw store bought tomatoes in too if i have some that need to be used.
Exbruxelles September 3, 2015
Pickled salsa is really great with cherry tomatoes.
HalfPint September 3, 2015
Roast them and freeze for making sauce later. Or you can roast, run through a food mill to get rid of the skin, and then freeze the sauce. Roast with lots of garlic and rosemary & thyme. It's delicious.
CH-4500 September 3, 2015
You can slow roast tray loads in the oven and they'll turn nice and sweet
Smaug September 3, 2015
I freeze tomatoes for sauces- it works well enough for that but they break down too much for most other purposes, so unless you like cherry tomato sauce (too sweet for my tastes) I couldn't really recommend it. I get canned Italian cherry tomatoes sometimes- they are a treat on a winter pizza and work pretty well in vegetable dishes etc., so if you like canning, that wouldn't be a bad idea.
inpatskitchen September 3, 2015
We have a glut of cherry tomatoes also and have been making this all summer:

It's wonderful!!
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