I made a pizza dough. Left it for 72 hours. Made with double OO and our recipe is good. Almost like the Jamie Oliver one. I had my stove on f

And cooked it 10 or so minutes. On a cast iron plate bottom rack. It came out so chewy but if taken out before it looked like the dough was still white. Any advice or suggestions?

  • Posted by: Tasha
  • October 5, 2015


DM October 13, 2015
I recently made Jim Lahey's No Knead pizza but used 00 flour, and loved the result. I was able to get the dough stretched thin enough to be translucent, and it was very, very light. I have made pizzas for many years, but this was my first time using 00 for pizza; I won't go back to other flour.

I bake my pizzas at 550 degrees and leave the pizza stone in for a long time while it is pre-heating, a good bit longer than it takes for the oven thermostat to say it has reached 550. If you don't have a stone, the back of a cast-iron skillet or any really heavy pan works well.

Also, oiling the crust before you back it helps make it golden.

Good luck. Sometimes it just takes using the same exact recipe once a week until you have nailed down all the variables specific to your recipe and your equipment-- think of them as experiments and not fails, and it's quite likely they will just get better and better.
Sam1148 October 7, 2015
Here Tasha. This is the link https://food52.com/hotline/25994-00-flour-pizza-ratio

To my last screed about using 00 flour in the home.

Try it again as an addition to bread flour and I think you'll reach perfection.
Sam1148 October 7, 2015
I find 00 flour a bit difficult to work with as you're discovering.

00 wants and is made for super high heat ovens. It does give a crackery taste...but just using 00 will do what you've found out...soggy bottom dough...that's pale and pasty.

I use: From memory here...search the site because I think I quantified it better here.

1 cup 00 Tipo
2 Cups King Authur Bread Flour.
(yes...you use a mix).
1 cup water
2 tsps Yeast.
1 Tablespoon Sugar
Oil 1 or 2 tablespoons.
Salt...don't forget salt.

Just go by feel.
The basic idea here is to sub only 1 cup 00 to the 3 cup total. That throughs off the water ratio so you have to feel it. Let it rest just a few hours to hydrate.

The addition of the 00 means the dough you made can take higher heat...but that also means you need a bit of oil on the surface; so rub your disk with a bit of oil to get a good browning.

It's a good flour to use......but it's also a bit diffrent..and I think the Jamie Oliver recipe wasn't that good...well unless you have a wood fired pizza oven.
Tasha October 6, 2015
Yea I'm going to throw these ones out and start over. If you guys have a great recipe using double OO flour Id love to try it!
PieceOfLayerCake October 5, 2015
Such a long rest would make for a much more complex gluten development, was the dough pretty sticky? You shouldn't need 72 hours for a crisp crust because that, plus high hydration, would lend itself to a well developed chew, almost like a ciabatta. The temperature and thickness absolutely had something to do with it too, but look at your recipe....was it specifically written for a crisp crust?
Smaug October 5, 2015
This came out somewhat garbled on the site, but if you cook it without toppings it will puff up, more like a focaccia than a pizza dough. You might try a perforated pan (the Chicago Metallic version, with fairly large holes works well)- they're not popular with the culinary establishment for whatever reason, but I find that they can make a better pizza in a home oven than a stone or cast iron, without the lengthy preheating those things require.
Tasha October 5, 2015
Yea I rolled it thin. My temp was too low and I must've cooked it too long. It was chewy not crispy at all. How many oz of dough for a good size pizza? 12" about.
ChefJune October 5, 2015
good question! I don't know as I've never weighed it. My pizza dough recipe makes two 12-inch pizzas, so I just go with it. If I weigh it next time that won't do you any good now. Sorry. ;)
ChefJune October 5, 2015
What temperature did you use? I bake pizza dough at 550 degrees F - the highest I can get my oven to go. I presume you are planning to put toppings on and bake some more. I'm not sure what you see as a problem. If you want your pizza crispy, you will need to roll it very thin.
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