leftover egg whites

what's the best way to use up a mess of leftover egg whites?

Caroline Lange


Rebecca F. October 15, 2015
Macarons! Or as frothy cocktail topper for a Ramos Gin Fizz or Pisco Sour (as long as they're very fresh and pasteurized.)
Jenny M. October 15, 2015
Freeze them
AntoniaJames October 14, 2015
How about this gorgeous rectangular pavlova style tranche (courtesy of one of my favorite baking and general cooking authorities anywhere, ever): http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/meringue_tranche_with_82125 Here's a photo: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01t04qm/p01wk43t ;o)
amysarah October 14, 2015
If I have a few egg whites and no immediate use, I usually freeze them - 1 or 2 to an ice cube tray 'cup'. Among other uses, they're handy for basic breading - flour/egg/crumbs - on chicken, fish, veal, what-not. I haven't found a difference from using a whole egg for that. Also, I'll defrost one to brush on a pastry shell before pre-baking, to help keep it crisp after its filled.
mrslarkin October 14, 2015
What did you make with the yolks, Caroline? Now I am curious!!
QueenSashy October 14, 2015
egg white omelette... it's great with scallions and sauteed red peppers
Susan W. October 13, 2015
I think my favorite dessert is Boccone Dolce. This looks to be a copycat recipe from my favorite restaurant that serves it. I've seen bananas used when berries are out of season. I've not made this exact recipe.
702551 October 13, 2015
I just freeze them for future use, mostly to clarify stock.
HalfPint October 13, 2015
Rose Levy Beranbaum's Chocolate Angel Food Cake. It uses something like 16 large egg whites.

Voted the Best Reply!

Cav October 13, 2015
They make a very good ectoplasm substitute when re-enacting scenes from Ghostbusters.
scruz October 13, 2015
mmmmm. chile rellenos.
Ali W. October 13, 2015
How about meringue cookies? Or egg whites frittatas/omelettes for dinner all week?
mrslarkin October 13, 2015
I always make Dorie Greenspan's Perfect Party Cake with my leftover egg whites. It is so so so delicious.
Michelle October 13, 2015
PLEASE! Post a link or a cookbook title. I love Dorie Greenspan.
nutcakes October 14, 2015
Michelle, it isn't Dorries recipe, but she popularized Nick Malgieri's recipe, he had it on his website for a long time but here is a blogger with pretty pics
mrslarkin October 14, 2015
It's soooo good, Michelle!! The recipe I'm referencing is Perfect Party Cake from Dorie Greenspan "Baking: From My Home to Yours" p. 250. Had no idea Nick Malgieri has a recipe for it, also. Do you know what book it's from Nutcakes? Would love to try it.
Michelle October 14, 2015
Thanks very much Mrs. Larkin! I have requested Dorie's cookbook from the library. Can't wait. Sorry to hijack your question Caroline.
Michelle October 14, 2015
Thanks for the link Nutcakes, that was fun to read! I love Nick Malgieri too.
nutcakes October 14, 2015
I'm sorry I don't know which of his books it is in, but he generously puts a number of recipes on his website and it is listed under Coconut Raspberry Layer Cake
Windischgirl October 13, 2015
Use to glaze bread, pie crust, cookies (and sprinkle with sugar or decors). Make pavlova, toronne, baked Alaska, meringue a pie, make semifreddo. Send them to my house.
Michelle October 13, 2015
Freeze them, works great. Make a fritatta. Macaroons or meringue cookies. Feed the dog, good source of protein (cook first or the raw whites will interfere with important metabolic stuff).

Also makes a great facial masque (1 cold egg white and 1 teaspoon cornstarch. Beat with a fork until foamy and well blended. Smooth onto face and throat while lying down. Wait 20 minutes, rinse. From "Organic Body Care Recipes", by Stephanie Tourles.)
sexyLAMBCHOPx October 13, 2015
Search the hotline, Caroline.
sexyLAMBCHOPx October 13, 2015
Also, Food52 had a short article about it https://food52.com/blog/8086-the-best-uses-for-extra-egg-whites

And, you had a contest last year Using egg whites.
AntoniaJames October 14, 2015
sLCx, it appears that Caroline is trying to get material for an article . . . . seeking new ideas, or getting ideas from new contributors who can be mentioned in a piece to be published in the next few weeks. The staff seems to be asking questions like this on a fairly regular basis, with articles following not long after. ;o)
sexyLAMBCHOPx October 14, 2015
Yes, I suspected the same but this topic has been well-covered. Oh well, maybe I'll learn something new.
AntoniaJames October 14, 2015
sLCx, I occasionally do that - ask a question that I've asked before, usually ones asking for hidden gems, or what people are canning that summer, or fun new recipes people have discovered, etc. -- simply to get input from new community members or otherwise to get new ideas not mentioned before. Sure, there's often repetition, but the fresh ideas are worth it. ;o)
AntoniaJames October 14, 2015
P.S. Thank you, sLCx, for the links! Cross references are always appreciated . . . at least, by me. ;o)
sexyLAMBCHOPx October 14, 2015
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