Tart dilemma resolved thanks to Food52 Hotline!

Here's a shout-out to the folks who helped me figure out what happened to my raspberry tart. The culprit: not enough "docking" or pricking of the crust before prebaking it. You can see the original post and picture and responses by search "tart disaster." Thanks!!

  • Posted by: DebJ
  • June 5, 2016
Question image


Greenstuff June 5, 2016
That's one beautiful tart! If this try hadn't worked, I was going to suggest that several of us give it a try. It's a really simple recipe (from Bistro Cooking by Patricia Wells, for those who didn't follow the discussion), and it seems like a keeper.
Amanda H. June 5, 2016
Thank you so much for the follow up!
702551 June 5, 2016
Hear, hear!

It's great when someone follows up with the outcome of their issue. Not only does it make the community members feel appreciated it, it is also educational to other readers.

Too often, people post and run, never to return, with nary a word about whether or not the given advice was helpful. This isn't just folks here but at pretty much all Internet Q&A forums. Take, take, take, and no thank yous.


Thank you for circling back to us. So few of your type online...
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