What is the best platform for sharing privately with an invited group documents (including spreadsheets) that you will be updating frequently?

I plan to form an invitation-only online group of home cooks interested in seeing and sharing (if they wish) weekly or longer term menu plans – and related prep activity and similar project plans – which could be updated on an ongoing basis. Other documents sharing strategic insights, tactical know-how and simple tips / cheat codes would also be included, ideally in libraries identified by category. I’ve been thinking a Google + community or group would work, but am interested in your ideas about this. Thanks so much. ;o)



ktr June 9, 2016
I personally have found drop box easier to use because you can share any type of file you want, including pictures. You also can access the files from either a desktop icon or online.
I'm sure there are other options out there that work as well or better but I've been very happy with dropbox thus far.
ChefJune June 8, 2016
You could do it as a blog. I know several cook book writers who start a specific blog for testing recipes.

Voted the Best Reply!

CanadaDan June 8, 2016
Google drive! works so well. You can update your sheets and others see the changes live. And you can give permission to others to edit if you want. Only problem is that everyone needs to have a gmail account but cmon...it's 2016 people. If not, dropbox is also good but i don't find it as convenient.
Sean R. June 11, 2016
Seconded! And actually, anybody can view and edit Google Docs! Giving everyone the correct permission settings is the problem which is addressed here in the Google forums:
Recommended by Food52