When to harvest tomatoes

David Tillman


Smedette July 1, 2016
I agree with another commenter, they will usually come off with little resistance when they are ready.
BerryBaby July 2, 2016
I have found the tomatoes let you know when they are ready. Picking them too soon won't give the juicy flavor time to develop. Another Portlander! Wonder how many of our neighbors are members of Food52?
BerryBaby July 1, 2016
I gently pull on the tomato. If it falls off its done, if it resists, I leave it.
C S. July 1, 2016
Are you asking when you should pick them? There are a lot of variables from weather, to your schedule to the number of birds and animals that are also keeping an eye on them. The best is to leave them on the vine until they are deep red - but I have also picked them with the tops still a little green and let them ripen on the kitchen counter and they have been good. It's a personal decision.
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