how to cook perfect


abm August 12, 2014
I think the trick to cooking the perfect rice is allowing the rice to cook in its own heat for a while.
I recently found this interesting post online, it has some really useful tips; definitely worth a read!
Jean |. February 26, 2011
I can only tell you how to make perfect Mexican rice. It's about the only rice I make these days.
pauljoseph February 17, 2011
For Basmathy rice we use absorption method. But for Kerala Rice We usually boil rice in plenty of water and drain out the excess so that the starch is removed completely.
Soozll February 17, 2011
If it's available, follow the directions on the rice package over any instructions you find anywhere else. I've never been disappointed.
Sam1148 February 16, 2011
Use a rice cooker. Even the cheap ones do their job well...but you will need to adjust and sometimes even re-heat those. Still it's one less burner on the stove.
pierino February 16, 2011
There are so many different varieties of rice that you can't easily capture it in a single method. Basic ratio is 1 part rice to 2 parts water, but it depends to a degree on which type. BTW "wild rice" is not a rice, it's a grass.
RobertaJ February 16, 2011
The best method I've found, at least the only one that works for me, was in Cook's Illustrated within the past year. In a nutshell, and this works for any long grain rice, including basmati and jasmine, first you rinse the rice thoroughly in a strainer under running water. The water should run clear. Then bring 1&1/2 parts water for each 1 part rice (i.e., 1&1/2C water to 1C rice), depending upon how many servings you're making, and salt if you like, to a boil in a 2 or 3 quart, lidded saucepan. When the water boils, add the rice, stir, cover and reduce the heat to a bare simmer for 20 minutes. When the 20 minutes is done, turn the heat off, remove the lid, put a tea towel over the pot, replace the lid and leave the rice to steam in the pot for another 5 or 10 minutes. Obviously, if you're still cooking on an adjacent burner, tuck the edges of the towel around the lid, so it won't catch fire ! Take the lid and towel off, fluff with a fork and serve. The towel under the lid will trap the condensation from the steam and keep it from dripping back down onto the rice and making it sticky, while the initial rinse gets rid of the excess, surface starch, which can also contribute to sticky rice.

Don't do this, however, for short grain rices where you do want a stickier finished texture.
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