Looking for a great Irish dessert, not for St Pat's, but for a birthday celebration. It need not be a cake. Any dessert will do. Thanks! ;o)



jen_c March 17, 2011
I can't find the recipe I normally use but I looked and found this one on the internet which is very similar. It's a David Lebovitz recipe, here's the link

jen_c March 17, 2011
What about brown bread ice cream? It's very Irish and really good. If anyone wants the recipe let me know and I can hunt it out.
Anitalectric March 17, 2011
Not sure if its too late to find, but "The New Irish Table" cookbook by Margaret Johnson has beautiful desserts, like brown bread creme brulee and Guinness brownies.
Blissful B. March 16, 2011
I thought of 2 desserts. Hot Toddies are popular in Ireland & with the tea crust, this just might be perfect:

Another drink that's as Irish as Guinness is Bailey's Irish Cream & here are some desserts that feature it:
Blissful B. March 16, 2011
I spent a few months in Ireland as well. I know you're looking for a birthday dessert, but if you want to celebrate the Irish way for the entire day, simply serve tea at 10, 3 & 8pm (which in Ireland means tea & a variety of desserts). Seriously. I gained quite a bit of weight while overseas. The Irish definitely have a sweet tooth! One dessert is never enough.
stilltrying March 16, 2011
Sticky toffee pudding is absolute heaven. Another suggestion is rhubarb crisp. we stayed with relatives in Ireland a few years ago, and they had it for dessert several times. rhubarb grows well in their climate
hardlikearmour March 16, 2011
How about Irish Whiskey/Potato Pie?
wssmom March 16, 2011
My friend Ed just got back from a trip to Ireland and was raving about the Sticky Toffee Pudding with Caramel Sauce and Ice Cream at Adare Manor. It may be more UK than Irish, but here's a link to a Gourmet recipe for the pudding:
(photo by Romula Yanes)
Arathi March 16, 2011
I don't know if it's truly Irish or birthday-friendly, but Nigella Lawson's Irish Tarte Tatin is great if you can get fresh rhubarb. It's in her "How To Eat" cookbook, and is posted here:
I've made this many times, it's great. Definitely serve with vanilla custard.
student E. March 16, 2011
would chocolate guinness cake be too cliched? i really like this recipe:

whoa, now i might need to go home and make my own!
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