A question about a recipe: Creamy Cucumber "Side"

I want to try this recipe as it looks delicious- particularly as the days are getting sunnier & warmer. However, I can't find Meyer lemons in the UK. Any ideas what would be a good alternative? (Or even better: where to get hold of Meyer lemons in London?) Many thanks, Cassandra.

Creamy Cucumber "Side"
Recipe question for: Creamy Cucumber "Side"


Jean |. April 3, 2011
If Waitrose fails you, try the glorious food halls of Harrods -- they have everything! Otherwise, the half orange/half lemon thing will work. You can even just dilute the regular lemon slightly with water and get good results. We are very fortunate to have a few Meyer lemon trees in our yard (US) / garden (UK).
Cassandra2011 April 3, 2011
Yes, waitrose is really good, that's where I shop from, but unfortunately they don't stock meyer lemons. I think generally it's hard to find meyer lemons in London (if not impossible). Half orange / half lemon sounds good & will probably approximate the taste, I think.
innoabrd April 2, 2011
I don't remember seeing them in london, but I'd actually try waitrose sometime. I used to find that they'd have more unusual stuff. Also, you might try whole foods. I see from their website they now have several london stores! When I left it was just the one in Kenn High Street. http://wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/uk/
Lizthechef April 2, 2011
I agree with drbabs - and I like to use organic citrus, whenever possible...
drbabs April 2, 2011
You can use regular lemons, or, if you want to approximate the taste of Meyer lemons, use half orange and half lemon.
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