What is farrow?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


cookinginvictoria May 17, 2011
I agree -- farro is delicious! Once you discover it, you will want to make it (and eat it) often. Here is my favorite farro recipe on the site: http://www.food52.com/recipes/5092_summer_farro_salad
wssmom May 16, 2011
Farro is addictive! Here's my favorite farro recipe:

pierino May 16, 2011
Farro, also goes by the name spelt or emmer. Has a wonderful nutty flavor, very popular in umbria. But farro or farro perlato is how it is labled in the US. At least some people who are gluten intolerant find it easier to digest than wheat.
thecrabbycook May 16, 2011
I haven't yet gotten my mind around farrow, but I know it's high time I did. This week I'm grappling with fava beans, next week it'll be the farrow. Maybe.
boulangere May 16, 2011
Farro is also known as kamut. It is a wonderful, high-protein, high-fiber grain, quite a bit larger than a kernel of wheat.
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