A question about a recipe: Buttered Corn And Noodles

I have a question about step 1 on the recipe "Buttered Corn And Noodles" from aargersi. It says:

"Cut the corn off of the cob, then milk the cobs as well. Thinly slice the scallions, and chop the herbs."

What does milking the cob mean?

Buttered Corn And Noodles
Recipe question for: Buttered Corn And Noodles


happycao August 2, 2011
Thanks guys!
Merrill S. August 1, 2011
So sorry for the spam, everyone! We're working hard to resolve this.
lorigoldsby August 1, 2011
This is a great tip and should be done with almost every recipe where the corn is taken off the cob...I do it without thinking!
hardlikearmour August 1, 2011
Take the back edge of your knife and scrape it down the cob after cutting the kernals off. You'll get the remaining bits of kernal as well as some "milk."
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