Has anyone ever made fried green tomatoes with green cherry tomatoes? Did it work?

Lori Lyn Narlock


susan G. August 2, 2011
If you can't work with the breading, try sizzling them with butter/olive oil, lots of garlic and pepper. It works with red ones, so it should be workable with green too.
Sam1148 August 2, 2011
They're a bit tiny. But I'm sure you could do it. When green tomatoes aren't available I use tomatillos.
aargersi August 2, 2011
I have not, but I think the rounded skin side might prove to be a non-stick surface for the breading ... oh I assumed you meant halved, Whole ones - same thought - non-stick. Hmm ... maybe if you did a 4 stage breading station? milk -> flour -> egg -> breading ??? what's the worst thing that could happen? Fried crispy stuff and tomatoes!
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