What are you cooking tonight?

I mean TONIGHT. For me it will be herb stuffed veal chop, grilled over real wood along with some porcini flavored polenta. I'd love to hear what you all are up to outside of this week's theme.

  • Posted by: pierino
  • October 5, 2011


Aimless October 10, 2011
i have a big bag of kale, some already-cooked red rice, and a nice piece of ham. They are going have a spicy menage-a-trois.
jenmmcd October 7, 2011
I'm late to this party, but I've long thought this would be such a great thing for Food52 to have as a feature like Foodpickle. That way, cooks could see when their dishes are being made on a regular basis. How cool! You guys are all so inspiring!
AntoniaJames October 7, 2011
Kukla's Frittata with Bacon, Greens and Caramelized Apples (though I served the apples on the side), and boulangere's Sour Mash Mash. Both excellent and perfect for a busy weeknight!! Mr. T had a small bowl of lastnightsdinner's Borrachos, because we had them on hand and he's always hungrier than I am. Just love all the great recipes on food52!! Extra chard was sauteed in bacon fat and also served on the side. For dessert, Mr. T had a slice of Wine-Soaked Prune Clafoutis, the recipe for which I posted last night. ;o)
mensaque October 6, 2011
You're more than welcome boulangere.To know I'll be joining you for Thanksgiving (through my potatoes,I mean)is thanks enough!Say,when exactly is Thanksgiving?We obviously don't celebrate it in Brazil but we have a great friend(she is my mother's best friend since she was 6 and my mom 5 yers old)who lived in NY for 30 years and came back to Brazil a few years ago,and we thought about hosting a surprise Thanksgiving for her.I know it's in a november thursday,and I know about the turkey,cranberries and pumpkin pie but that's about it.Help!
PS.:I have to say a big SORRY to pierino for turning his question into chit-chat!Thanks for your patience!Love your recipes!Loved the question!Starting to suck up...or just suck!Sorry again!I'll stop now and check for an answer tomorrow...Good night everyone!
Alicelinna August 22, 2022
I would like
amysarah October 6, 2011
Tonight was semi-weekly clean out the fridge night. Depending on the ends of vegetables, cheeses, etc. lurking in there, this can mean a pasta, frittata, soup, omelette, salad...most often a motley assortment of dishes.

I had leftover black beans (from black beans/rice), which I used to fill omelets, with grated cheddar and the end of an avocado. We also had the corn bread I urgently needed to make this morning, while avoiding work (that leftover buttermilk was really annoying me.) And also a salad, into which I tossed leftover roasted butternut squash from last p.m. and toasted walnuts; no, that doesn't 'go with' the rest of the meal, but after a glass or two of wine, lots of things seem to taste great together. Go figure.
boulangere October 6, 2011
Oh, yes, SKK,
SKK October 6, 2011
@drbabs - popcorn is a wonderful meal. Tonight I am having a piece of toast spread with tomato paste I made and a glass (or 2) of wine. I think the popcorn would go nicely as a dessert.
boulangere October 6, 2011
Thank you, mensaque!
mensaque October 6, 2011
Still on the sweet potatoes:for 4 pounds of potatoes add 2 tea spoons of sugar and salt as you please...I mean,it's a matter of taste...About a table spoon should be fine.The water should taste like a tear drop.Tears of joy,I mean!
boulangere October 6, 2011
Absolutely not. Similar to the crackers and goat cheese I noshed with a glass of Chianti before falling into bed a few nights ago.
drbabs October 6, 2011
I got home from work at 9:00 and made popcorn. Is that wrong?
boulangere October 6, 2011
Pierino, you a bottomless font of great questions.
cookbookchick October 6, 2011
(Such fun to see what each of us cooks on an ordinary day! Let's do this again sometime!)
cookbookchick October 6, 2011
Homemade riff on vichyssoise made with lamb broth; tiny new potatoes and garlic cloves oven roasted with olive oil, s&p; butter-sauteed leeks; and freshly picked French sorrel. After pureeing all that, I mixed in heavy cream and threw in some corn kernels left over from another project. Pretty good! My husband asked for seconds.
Panfusine October 6, 2011
panfried bittermelon & potatoes with Zatar!!
boulangere October 6, 2011
Wow! The son and his girlfriend and the daughter will be here for our Thanksgiving, and I'd love to try this. When you say some salt and sugar, can you give me an idea of about how much of each for a given number of sweet potatoes?
mensaque October 6, 2011
Hey,boulangere!I wish you and your boy all the happiness!My mom and I have close bdays too,hers is two weeks after mine so I was there for her party back on 1975 when I was just a tiny thing...well not that tiny.I was a big baby!Nevermind that; about the sweet potatoes:It's easy as that!Just boile them whole with some salt and sugar and when they get soft,cool and peel them.Deep fry slices,not too thin not too thick,in any kind of vegetable oil until brown and they're good to go.It's the only way I eat sweet potatoes...
boulangere October 6, 2011
Happy birthday, mensaque! The son and I just celebrated bdays also. The year of his birth, I spent mine in the hospital getting ready to try to get around to giving birth to him . . . . I'd love to know more about your boiled and deep fried sweet potatoes.
mensaque October 6, 2011
A beautyfull tomato salad as red as the hot summer sunset,seasoned with some white wine vinager,dried onions and garlic,a splash of Portuguese olive oil and a bit of salt.Sweet potatoes boiled and deep fried,German sausage and white rice.And for desert I think I'll steal some "Beijinhos" ("Little kisses":browned coconut and condensed milk soft candy covered in granulated sugar and decoreted with a clove) my mom is making me for my birthday party on saturday...but please don't tell her or she'll kill me! Hahaha!
creamtea October 6, 2011
Tonight, probably just an extra-large baked (possibly salt-baked) organic potato for each of us with Greek yogurt & fillings like simple chick-pea salad, salsa, & whatever else I can devise. Nothing too fancy. I do have some tempeh in the fridge; Madhur Jaffrey has an amazing spicy recipe for addictive tempeh in her vegetarian cookbook. It is fried and it spatters, so I'm not sure I'm keen on the cleanup. Maybe I'll take a leaf from Sam1148 and order in! Oh wait, I'm not supposed to say that here, am I.
sdebrango October 6, 2011
I am going to carry this over to tonight since I only had a salad last night. I made Hazan's tomato sauce which I am having over green beans with shaved pecorino and a chopped salad with garbanzo's and loads of different veggies.
beyondcelery October 6, 2011
I agree--this should totally be a once a week thread!
cookinginvictoria October 6, 2011
@aargersi, can't wait to hear about the whole critter that you are roasting! Will it be served with chiles??
aargersi October 6, 2011
I am late to the party! Last night was Swiss Chard, Onions, Pasta and an Egg. Tonight is Crispy Coconut Tofu with Burning Rings Of Fire (our jalapeno and eggplants have been kickin' it out since the evenings cooled off). Tommorrow I am roasting a whole critter - details coming soon to a Food52 near you ....
We should have this thread once a week!
Sam1148 October 6, 2011
I probably won't cook tomorrow night. Some take out stuff.
As this weekend we're going to a cabin and I have to gather some cabin cooking stuff.
No good water but they have grill and stove.

So far:
First night: What ever is frozen because we'll get there about 9.
Sat: Ocktoberfest things. Brats on the grill, sauerkraut, peppers, apples..and soft pretzels. Beer.. along with duck fat fried potatoes.
Sun: The 'first night in Florance' pasta with some good canned tuna I've found..and some bread and salad.
Sam1148 October 6, 2011
I cooked NOTHING. It was great.
My partner picked up a thai beef salad and wonderful sushi roll (like a caterpillar roll) with a wassabi creme fresh tobiko (sp) sauce.

cookinginvictoria October 6, 2011
Wow -- what a fun thread! I loved reading what everyone made for dinner tonight. After thinking about it all summer, tonight I finally made Summer Squash Gratin with Salsa Verde and Gruyere, from food52. We served the gratin with leftover pan-fried chicken breasts. The chicken was topped with a pan sauce made from sauteed onions, Gravenstein apples from our apple tree, apple cider and thyme from the garden. My daughter had steamed yellow wax beans instead of the gratin. Lovely end of summer dinner -- that gratin was really delicious, well worth the wait.
creamtea October 5, 2011
I cooked chicken soup because the younger one and me are both under the
weather :(
Finished up the last of the beef braised with baby portobello mushrooms (I know, those mush. have another name my head is too stuffed to remember it) garlic and red wine left over from Rosh Hashana.
wssmom October 5, 2011
@midge the bloodhounds ruled tonight! BTW dropped the crab cake idea and instead tossed the crab meat in with the arugula, cherry tomatoes and pasta, topped with breadcrumbs.
ellenl October 5, 2011
I envy all of you. I had to go to back to school night and got home in time to make American chop Suey for my son to eat while I went to school----elbows, Campbell's tomato soup (!) and sauteed ground turkey with onion. I had chickpea, roasted tomatoes with garlic, and some roasted green beans thrown in. Sigh....
drbabs October 5, 2011
You are all amazing. I got home after 6. Pan fried some zucchini (cursed myself for ONCE AGAIN! not putting on an apron first and splattering oil on my clothes!) with shallots and oven roasted the last of the tomatoes. Put a couple of filets of tilapia on top of the tomatoes with some olive oil and white wine and roasted it all together. Cut up a grapefruit and called it dinner.
boulangere October 5, 2011
Change of plans. Got home later than anticipated. Tree trimmers were here today. Trees look great. Yard looks like it's been shelled. First Night in Florence Spaghetti instead. Need to pretend I'm someplace else.
testkitchenette October 5, 2011
I did a large pot of chicken noodle soup with kale (husband's grandmother is nursing a broken arm), crab cakes with an sesame soy ginger slaw and fresh horseradish yogurt dipping sauce with roasted sweet potato fries, and a baked brown rice and delicata squash red pepper casserole. Sour cream raspberry jam muffins in the oven too.
susan G. October 5, 2011
You caught me! I've got your Big Zombie Goes Butternuts on the stove right now. I'm serving it over 'Thai Organic Trio Mix Rice' that I found at H-Mart -- which I made so that we can have the new Southwestern Rice Salad Wraps tomorrow.
You are amazing people, all of you!
villagekitchen October 5, 2011
i have some dashi broth i made the night before last. with this on again off again rainy day (thanks sf), i think i'm going to make my old favorite. beans + brown rice + kale. super simple rainy day love kind of feast. hard cook any delicious beans you got lying around (rancho gordo's christmas limas for me) in your chosen broth (dashi), cook your brown rice in the same delicious broth. add a tbsp of butter and a dash of salt. next step. clean your greens, tear, clean again. grab a lemon, mince some garlic, add some braggs or mirin if you wish. sautee. portion large portion of beans, rice and greens in bowl. eat and enjoy. hearty, healthy, warm.

if you're feeling like you need a little extra love. add a fried egg or soft cooked egg on top. some scallions are great too.
sdebrango October 5, 2011
Wow, I would like to make a tour to everyone's house for dinner. Have had a really hectic, sort of bad day I'm afraid it will be a simple salad for me tonight. Ask me tomorrow or Friday and it will be something better.
rsong October 5, 2011
I am making Tortilla Soup. Made the stock yesterday so it makes today's meal quick and easy. Lots of poblano peppers, jalapenos, lime, cilantro, chicken and creamy aged white cheddar plus avocado. It's super decadent because I make my own chipotle sour cream along with home friend tortilla strips! Lots of smoky spicy flavours perfect for a rainy wednesday in Vancouver!
Midge October 5, 2011
@wssmom bloodhounds!
EmilyC October 5, 2011
Um, I wish I were coming to all of your houses! All of these dinners sound great. I'm making quesadillas with whole wheat tortillas -- filled with chicken, black beans, and cheddar, and topped with corn salsa and avocado. It's about all I can muster the energy to cook tonight!
wssmom October 5, 2011
OMG you are all so INCREDIBLE, dying for an invitation to any and all ... we're using up the last of the cherry tomatoes by roasting them and tossing with pasta and wild arugula. Probably grill some brussel spouts to go with the Spouse's favorite crabcakes. Debating whether to start with Muddied Meyer Martinis (http://www.food52.com/recipes/9461_muddied_meyer_martini)
or Bloodhounds (http://www.food52.com/recipes/9333_bloodhound). What do you think?
Midge October 5, 2011
Love this question, pierino. I'm always so curious about what other people are cooking for dinner. We're going out to dinner, but I wish I were coming over to one of your houses!
AntoniaJames October 5, 2011
Roast chicken (spatchcocked, sitting on onions with fresh herbs, a few mushrooms and a touch of wine), braised red cabbage and carrots (recipe I posted recently), roasted butternut squash and parsnips mashed together with creme fraiche (also a recipe I posted here), and some roasted Brusslies (Brussels sprouts) with an as-yet-to-be-unveiled dessert, the recipe for which I hope to post tomorrow. For the record, the cabbage and carrots dish was made Sunday afternoon, while I was baking bread; I roasted the butternut squash at the same time. The dessert will come together easily and I could make the roast chicken in my sleep, practically. So it's not as fancy as it sounds. Mr. T will have a glass of Washington Semillon with dinner. ;o)
healthierkitchen October 5, 2011
A recipe that we love from this site that I haven't made since before summer:

SKK October 5, 2011
What a great question, pierino! Tonight is burger night here, so bison burgers with port onions and aged cheddar cheese - oven roasted potatoes - kale saled with walnuts, parmesan and basil dressing.
JessicaBakes October 5, 2011
Spaghetti squash with a fresh tomato sauce from the last of the heirlooms (can you tell I live in California?) and onion, garlic, carrots, mushrooms, ground turkey and a sprig of fresh rosemary
boulangere October 5, 2011
Found a forgotten flank steak in the freezer the other night, so Steak Terroir, grilled over trimmings from my ash trees. Some grilled potatoes and green beans.
beyondcelery October 5, 2011
Wow, that sounds amazing, pierino! I haven't decided yet, though I'm definitely not as fancy as you. Pizza with farmer's market fresh mozarella, homemade tomato sauce, and ham, with garlic roasted brussels sprouts on the side. Or, ham pad thai with roasted tofu in a sriracha/soy sauce/ginger sauce and ginger-sesame roasted brussels sprouts. I'm leaning towards the pad thai.
Summer O. October 5, 2011
YUM! Wish I was coming to your house. But I am going to BLT Steak on Friday, so there is hope for that veal chop and porcinis later this week. Tonight I'm inspired by Sam Sifton's review this AM. I am going to do whole fish on the grill, some cannellini beans with tomatoes and maybe some thyme and/or smoked paprika and whatever veggie strikes me at the store, also on the grill. And wine, of course, probably a pinot or a petite syrah.
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