Is this the replacement for FoodPickle? and what happened to all my recipes- both Saved and Contributed?

I guess the new Food52 is "improved," but I am finding it almost impossible to navigate, and the home page is very confusing. Maybe "busy" is a better word? HELP!



Miafoodie October 17, 2011
PS My profile has been cut in half.
Miafoodie October 17, 2011
I concur with the comments made above, I am willing to give this new web site a chance and to wait for the 'bugs' to be worked out. However, the harsh coloring and the word, "Foodpickle" are not 'bugs'.
I love Food 52 and all affilated with it.......
Miafoodie October 17, 2011
I concur with the comments made above, I am willing to give this new web site a chance and to wait for the 'bugs' to be worked out. However, the harsh coloring and the word, "Foodpickle" are not 'bugs'.
I love Food 52 and all affilated with it.......
ChefJune October 11, 2011
I loved Foodpickle, too. "Hot Line" seems so ... well, ordinary.
Bevi October 11, 2011
Personally I loved the name Foodpickle. The navigation takes getting used to because there are so many more links. I'm willing to try anything, but is there any remote possibility that "foodpickle" can be resurrected? ;-)
Panfusine October 11, 2011
Love the purple theme!!, maybe because its so inherently reminiscent of my alma mater NYU's colors!
Panfusine October 11, 2011
Love the purple theme!!, maybe because its so inherently reminiscent of my alma mater NYU's colors!

Voted the Best Reply!

dymnyno October 11, 2011
Wow! This is a lot to "digest". But, why not try a taste...It's probably going to be fabulous. It looks very interactive.
Amanda H. October 11, 2011
A bug is usually when something functional -- like a button -- is not working, data is missing, a page does not load, or you get an error message.
boulangere October 11, 2011
I certainly understand, Amanda, but how do we know what is a bug and what is a new feature? And I apologize, but hard to read is hard to read.
Amanda H. October 11, 2011
We've spent many months working on this -- would be great if you could at least give it a few days and get to know the new site before wholesale criticizing. It's helpful for us to learn about bugs, like missing data, and thoughtful comments about specific features. We appreciate your patience.
boulangere October 11, 2011
I agree, Chef June, the home page is extremely cluttered, and navigation is very difficult. Too, I find the font colors very unpleasant to try to read - they strain my eyes.
Shalini October 11, 2011
Oh good. I can't actually find the only recipe I've contributed, so good to know it's a bug.
Amanda H. October 11, 2011
No need to panic, ChefJune! Here is the a link that explains some of the changes we made: . Your saved and contributed recipes are still here, of course -- it's just a bug and we're working to fix it now.
francesca G. October 11, 2011
Hi ChefJune,
Yes, Food52 Hotline is Foodpickle reincarnated! Thanks for your patience as we work out the kinks of the redesign ... sit tight! We hear you on the issues and are working hard to fix them as quickly as possible, especially the saved/contributed recipes issue.
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