A question about a recipe: Wine-Soaked Prune Clafoutis

How do I edit a recipe I've submitted? I cannot see the link on the recipe page. Thank you. ;o)



lapadia October 11, 2011
UPDATE...I have a green Edit button at the bottom right hand corner of the front if my recipe page.
AntoniaJames October 11, 2011
Nor do I. I can see all of the recipes I've saved, except for the ones I saved today. Have not yet figured out a workaround to search the 42 pages worth of them. ;o)
lapadia October 11, 2011
Chrome on a PC and I don't have a green Edit button, either....fyi
hardlikearmour October 11, 2011
It's fixed for me. Now I can view all of the recipes I've added (rather than just 10) on my profile page & edit from there.
Merrill S. October 11, 2011
We're working on this!
hardlikearmour October 11, 2011
I just checked and I can't edit either. I'm using Firefox on a PC.
AntoniaJames October 11, 2011
No, there is no edit button. I'm using Chrome on a PC. ;o)
Merrill S. October 11, 2011
There should be a green Edit button just underneath the recipe photo on the left -- are you not seeing it? If not, can you let us what browser you're using, and whether you're on a Mac or a PC?
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