Notifications and comments

Will we be notified of threads we've contributed to or comments on our recipes or foodpickle answers we've added and others have contributed to soon?



inpatskitchen October 12, 2011
Yes I was receiving notices until yesterday and my "settings" tab is there, but there is nowhere on my profile page to say whether or not I wish to receive notices! Where's that computer geek son of mine when I need him?(LOL)
susan G. October 12, 2011
IPK, if you were already receiving notices you should still, I think. My notifications went off for most of yesterday, the arrived en masse. I you want to check your profile, look at the 2nd tab from the left -- is it still there? Is this what happens when our younger generation tries to drag their elders into the present?
susan G. October 12, 2011
IPK, if you were already receiving notices you should still, I think. My notifications went off for most of yesterday, the arrived en masse. I you want to check your profile, look at the 2nd tab from the left -- is it still there? Is this what happens when our younger generation tries to drag their elders into the present?
inpatskitchen October 12, 2011
Call me crazy....but I don't see anywhere to set the settings on my user page and I haven't checked any boxes either...but then again, I'm computer illiterate!
Food52 October 12, 2011
Yes, you should be if you set the settings in the "Settings" tab of your user page. For Hotline questions/answers, there is a box below the answer window you can check if you prefer NOT to receive alerts when people contribute to the thread. Let us know if you're having trouble with any of these things! We're constantly working to improve the new Food52. Thanks!
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