Is a bread tin/loaf tin this: I don'...

...t own anything like the vessels described to make this but would be willing to buy one.

Potato Terrine (Pave)
Recipe question for: Potato Terrine (Pave)


sexyLAMBCHOPx October 22, 2011
Thank you so much for your reply. I did find another less expensive aluminum bread tin but thinking the other may get more use. I love "molding" foods into shapes like this instead of the usual square/oval dish. Great recipe and will report back when I make it! No notification of your answer but checked and was happy to see your reply.
perennialplate October 20, 2011
that would work great, although it's a bit more fancy than you need. similar shape could work but just a tin bread mold. If you do get the mold that you mentioned, its perfect for making other terrines.
sexyLAMBCHOPx October 20, 2011
I have a small rectangle enamalware dish with lid, but was hoping for (presentationa purposes) using a bread tin, loaf tin or terraine when slicing.

@Perrenial Plate - can you tell me more? Thanks!

I could think of some fun ways to use this, if it works with your dish:
boulangere October 20, 2011
I think you'll be just fine using what you have. It may take a bit longer for your terrine to cook all the way through, but it should be every bit as wonderful.
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