Good news, new problem --- regarding the site

I just answered a Hotline question, and timed the response at 10 seconds. That sounds great to me! But a funny thing is happening: on PC/Internet Express, when I go on the site lately, it says Hi, susan g!, but asks me to log in to participate (answer, comment). I don't think this is happening on Firefox (same computer), and it's just been the last few days. Maybe happening on my computer?

susan g
  • Posted by: susan g
  • October 25, 2011


Niknud October 26, 2011
Only if you bring back Eat Your Words....just kidding! :) Sending it now.
Kristen M. October 26, 2011
Thanks so much Niknud -- would you mind emailing your screenshot to me at [email protected]? The Hotline image display is squashing it down so much that it's difficult to see.
Niknud October 26, 2011
Here's what my screen looks like - IE/PC
Kristen M. October 26, 2011
Pierino, that sounds like a real pain. Can you take a screenshot to show our developers what it looks like and either post it here or email it to [email protected]? Also let us know what internet browser you're in and whether you're on Mac or PC. Thank you!
pierino October 26, 2011
I don't have a problem reading or answering questions, but as mentioned early the questions as posted don't line up correctly on the screen. You can't really distinguish who is asking the question and how many answers there are.
Kristen M. October 26, 2011
Hi all -- sorry about these annoying issues. For now, you can try reloading your page, then clearing your Food52 cookies if needed. Please let us know if the problems persist -- it's possible they're just temporary, with all the various work and server restarts our developers are doing behind the scenes.
melissav October 25, 2011
I am having the same problem on my computer at work (pc) but not at home (mac). On the pc, I cannot post any responses or ask questions. Also, the view is off when I look at recipes. The screen is blank and i have to page down for the recipe to start. Also, the list of questions on hotline don't line up right. Anyone else having these problems?
susan G. October 25, 2011
And when I try to log in, a black veil falls over the page, with nothing on it.
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