What is your favorite cranberry relish?

I have never been crazy about cranberry sauce, but it is tradition. Can you help me change my mind?

  • Posted by: lloreen
  • November 17, 2011


dymnyno November 18, 2011
dymnyno November 18, 2011
Last year I made LIZ THE CHEF'S CRANBERRY, TANGERINE and CRYSTALLIZED GINGER RELISH that can be found on her blog page(lizthechef.com) I plan on making it again this year. The flavors are clean and fresh tasting and not so sweet that they overwhelm the other sides.
alasully November 17, 2011
To piggy back on sdebrango's suggestion above, the cranberry-orange combo is so very delicious. My aunt made one last year and it made a magical pairing slathered on the sliced turkey. She kindly shared the recipe -- sorry no measurements, but it's ridiculously simple, requires no cooking and a mere 5 ingredients:


orange zest

Combine all ingredients in a food processor; pulse until a minced consistency.
Niknud November 17, 2011
Here is my very unscientific recipe: Throw a bag of frozen cranberries into the food processor. Continue by adding a whole orange (rind and all, baby), just enough sugar so my mouth doesn’t get stuck in a permanent pucker, some crystallized ginger, some grated fresh ginger and a splash or two of oj (if needed) to get it to the right consistency. Serve icy cold. It helps to cut the heavy, savory warmth of almost everything else that gets served at Thanksgiving. It serves the same purpose as a very sour dill pickle at a sugar on snow supper. If you don’t get that last reference, ask a buddy from Vermont….or I’ll tell you if you want to know! :)
creamtea November 17, 2011
Bevi November 18, 2011
hardlikearmour November 17, 2011
This is the sauce I make most years. I've tried others, but keep coming back to it.

I've also made it with Chinese 5 Spice instead of the powdered ginger, and am not sure which way I prefer.
healthierkitchen November 17, 2011
I love five Spice Powder with cranberry!
beyondcelery November 17, 2011
This is mine:

But gosh, the rest of these recipes look amazing! I may have to try a new one this year.
healthierkitchen November 17, 2011
I also really like this one:

healthierkitchen November 17, 2011
This is my favorite as not only do I love the cardamom, but it is as easy as can be: http://www.latartinegourmande.com/2009/10/12/cranberry-harvest-in-new-england/
sdebrango November 17, 2011
I usually make a simple cranberry relish following the directions on the package of fresh cranberries but subbing freshly squeezed orange juice and adding some orange zest. Its delicious. That said there are two recipes here on the site that have popped up and I want to try. Bevi's http://www.food52.com/recipes/14988_cranberry_sauce_with_rosemary_and_pear_brandy
and AntoniaJames Smoking Bishop cranberry and fig compote.
Summer O. November 17, 2011
Hands down http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Spiced-Cranberry-Sauce-with-Zinfandel-105838
creamtea November 17, 2011
Laxmi Hiremath's hot and sweet cranberry chutney:
12 oz bag of cranberries, sorted and washed
1/4 c. finely chopped onion (I used shallot)
1/4 t. ground cinnamon
pinch Cayenne pepper (she calls for 1/2 t!!!)
1 T. fresh ginger, grated
4 green cardamom pods, husks removed and the seeds pounded in a mortar or otherwise ground
2 small mandarin oranges with skin, seeded if necessary and diced
1 c. sugar
1/3 t. salt [sic] i use a pinch
1/4 c. chopped walnuts.

Combine all except the nuts, cook over medium heat, stirring, until sugar dissolves and cranberries pop. The tangerine pieces should look cooked through! Remove from heat, stir in the walnuts. Transfer to jars or containers and allow to cure in the refrigerator for at least 2 days before serving. This is great stuff.
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